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Captain's Page 2017

The Multiple Sclerosis Society

Kevin Morris's Captain's Page 2017

Raising money for The Multiple Sclerosis Society

In 2004, whilst pregnant with our first son, my wife was diagnosed with having MS, which you can imagine, was a major shock. Initially it only affected her eyesight, but over the years it now affects her muscles and at times she finds it hard to walk, but with the help of her MS nurse and support from the MS society along with family, she continues to get on with life the best she can.

About MS

Kevin Morris, BUNGS Captain 2017 Kevin Morris, BUNGS Captain 2017

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition of the central nervous system. In MS, the coating around nerve fibres (called myelin) is damaged, causing a range of symptoms. More than 100,000 people in the UK have MS. Symptoms usually start in your 20s and 30s and it affects almost three times as many women as men. Once diagnosed, MS stays with you for life, but treatments & specialists can help you to manage the condition and its symptoms.

We don't know the cause and we haven't yet found a cure, but research is progressing fast.

What happens in MS?

To understand what happens in MS, it's useful to understand how the central nervous system works. A substance called myelin protects the nerve fibres in the central nervous system, which helps messages travel quickly and smoothly between the brain and the rest of the body. In MS, your immune system which normally helps to fight off infection, mistakes myelin for a foreign body and attacks it. This damages the myelin and strips it off the nerve fibres either partially or completely, leaving scars known as lesions or plaques. This damage disrupts messages travelling along nerve fibres – they can slow down, become distorted, or not get through at all.

As well as myelin loss, there can also sometimes be damage to the actual nerve fibres. It is this nerve damage that causes the increase in disability that can occur over time.

MS symptoms

As the central nervous system links everything your body does, many different types of symptoms can appear in MS. The specific symptoms that appear depend upon which part of your central nervous system is affected and the job of the damaged nerve.

Free MS Helpline
0808 800 8000

With your support and generous donations I hope to be able to give back to the Multiple Sclerosis Society as a way of my appreciation for all the help that they have given me, my family and most importantly, Lucy my wife.

Thank you for reading this and your support this year!

Kevin Morris
BUNGS Captain 2017


Captain's Update

See PDF files below

Captain's Letter March 2017.pdf

Par 3 Challenge

This year, I will continue with the Captains Challenge on our golf days. The challenge is that all three players in a group should hit their tee shots onto a par 3 of my choosing (or three players of a fourball). A £1 entry fee is charged and the winning group takes half the pot created and the other half goes to our charity.  

If more than one group succeeds, they share the pot. If no group is successful, the pot rolls over to the next golf day.

Current Charity Total for 2017

Wychwood Park Golf Day - 24th March 2017 £120.00
Notts (Hollinwell) Golf Day - 26th April 2017 £90.00
Kibworth Golf Day - 26th May 2017 £80.00
Ladbrook Park Golf Day - 21st June 2017 £80.00
Society Tour to Lytham - 8th to 11th July 2017 £210.00
Luffenham Heath Golf Day - 4th August 2017 £85.00
Robin Hood Golf Day - 31st August 2017 £130.00
Enville Golf Day - 29th September 2017 £560.00
Coxmoor Golf Day - 26th October 2017 £207.00
Southport Winter Trip - 12th & 13th November 2017 £170.00
Maxstoke Park Golf Day - Date to be confirmed Event cancelled
Other donations throughout the year £87.50
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