Hi Guys
After an enforced delay I can finally offer my end-of-term report to you…
2012 was a “milestone” year for me, and terrifically enjoyable. To a golfer of limited talent to have the opportunity to be Captain of the Society was a big thrill and challenge, and I determined to give it my all in the hope that it was successful. That it turned out to be as successful as it has been is due in no small part to the support I enjoyed from you all.
As you know, my Fund-raising aim for the year was to support The Stroke Association. I had chosen this charity because the illness has struck 3 of my nearest and as a result has affected my life greatly. The work that they do is outstanding but, like all organisations of this kind, they can only carry on with this work courtesy of outside donations and support they receive.
After a disappointing distance achieved on my Drive-in (March at Olton GC) the season got under way proper, with the usual golf day comps added to with the “Captains Par 3 Challenge”.
Although won at Olton, this Challenge proved a stiff one for the rest of the year, repeatedly and intermittently being missed, and ending up with £220 in the prize pot at Woodhall Spa in November, with 4 groups succeeding there. Congrats to all those who took the money throughout the year.
Another bit of “fun” introduced at Olton was the “Bonus Ball”. Members were invited to “buy” a ball in a kind of raffle, to be drawn at Cavendish GC, with the prize being free “standard” society golf for 2013. Because of the number of balls purchased the prize was stretched to include a further 2 days for another ball drawn. John Haley can now look forward to the free golf this year, with Alan Heard having his bonus “Bonus Ball” drawn. Hope you both enjoy…
Firstly, my 24 hour “marathon” at Burton GC. Some thought I was mad (an observation not unique...) but it certainly got attention! Firing golf balls into the night was possibly the most surreal thing I have ever experienced, and I must extend a BIG thank you to all those who stepped up to support me on the course, acting as Caddie / Assistant, and helped to keep me going as tiredness crept up.
Secondly, success on Tour in North Wales. Having practiced the art of team selection in 2011 I was able to put the lessons learned into practice once more. Although never behind, it was certainly nip & tuck between “my” team and that of Challenger John Shaw throughout the first 2 days, having played Pwhelli on the first day and Morfa Nefyn on the second, with the jewel of Harlech GC lying in wait for the singles. A fabulous golf course played in fabulous weather (most un-Welsh!) bought success for the Captains team to a degree never imagined. I guarantee that the feeling I had as everyone came off the course will remain one of the most special I have ever experienced, and will stay with me always.
The object of 2012 was, of course, to raise as much money as possible for my special cause, and in that respect the Society were as outstanding in their support as they have been with previous Captains. Below you can see a breakdown of the fundraising achieved:
Made up from:
Just Giving page: £768.25
Gift Aid (on Just
Giving): £192.06
Bank Account holdings: £1741.65
This means that the Society can present a cheque to The Stroke Association of £1741.65 (to add to the Just Giving amounts). May I here express my deep and heartfelt thanks to all BUNGS members, individuals and other agencies for their support throughout my 2012 BUNGS Captaincy. It will be a year I will never forget.
Finally, 2013 Captain Neil Smith, fundraising on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support, has his Drive-in at Kilworth Springs GC on 22nd March. If Neil enjoys the support that I have, it’ll be a great year, and I urge you all to get behind him and support a great cause. Good luck in all you do Neil. Many thanks again, and good golf to you all.
See you soon, Graham
Hi all! Happy New Year! I hope you’re all looking forward to 2012 as much as I am.
I have been a member of the Society now for 10 years and feel very privileged to be your Captain this year. Over these years BUNGS has become very special to me, combining, as it does, great camaraderie with some wonderful venues where we meet to play this obsessive sport of ours.
I must first of all pay tribute to my immediate predecessor Dave Grubb: When Dave announced 12 months ago that part of his fund raising effort was to be tied to his losing weight I thought that he’d set himself a stiff task. The only analogy that I can come up with is that it would be like me stopping smoking and putting all the money that I save into the fundraising pot! (And before any bright-spark suggests that, the answer is NO!) Whilst Dave’s weight may not have come down as much as he may have wished, the fundraising pot, on behalf of the Midlands Air Ambulance, nevertheless benefited. His efforts over the course of his Captaincy were outstanding, and he deserves tremendous praise for all he achieved. With Dave’s performance, and that of the other preceding Captains of the Society, I have a lot to live up to.
With broad experience of it’s damaging effects, I have chosen The Stroke Association as the recipient charity for funds raised during 2012. As a result of multiple Strokes (together with complications) my wife has been a resident in a Nursing Home for the past decade, and is now bedridden and fed through a tube. Also, in early February, 2008, I played golf with my best friend. From nowhere, he suffered a Stroke the following Tuesday, and never recovered, passing away 10 days later. As you can imagine, the aims of The Stroke Association are something I feel very deeply about. It is the only charity solely combating Stroke in people of all ages. Their vision is that we want a world where there are fewer strokes and all those touched by Stroke get the help they need. Their mission is to prevent Strokes and reduce their effect through providing services, campaigning, education and research. It is estimated that 150,000 people each year have their first Stroke – roughly 1 every 5 minutes. The Stroke Association provides support to Stroke survivors and their families, and research into the causes of the affliction.
I am sure most will have some idea of what a Stroke is, here is a link to enlighten you, and from there learn more: http://www.stroke.org.uk
And remember, if you suspect someone has suffered a Stroke, act
Facial Weakness - can the person smile? Has
their mouth or eye drooped?
Arm weakness - can the person raise both
Speech problems - can the person speak clearly and understand
what you say?
Time to call 999
I trust that the varied fundraising ideas I have will both be interesting and fun for all, and that you will choose to lend your support to my aims for the year. For this I thank all members in advance.
Here’s to a great 2012 for us all!
Graham Adams
BUNGS Captain 2012